Logo Upload
Go to "My Online Store" - "Supplier Information" - "Company Information Management" section, and navigate to "Company Introduction" to select Logo upload.
* Upload a logo image in jpg or png format with dimensions of "150×150PX". After uploading, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Next Step”.
* On the "Contact Information" page, if there are no other modifications, click "Finish" to submit.
* After successfully submitting the logo, it will go through the system's review process. Until the review is completed, you cannot make other modifications on the supplier information management page. If you need to make modifications, please do so after the review is completed.
A. The logo image must belong to your company and must not infringe on any rights.
B. The logo image must not be a personal avatar or unrelated image.
C. The image must be clear.
D. The image must not contain any contact information watermark.