Regular Price Maintenance



Q: Why is it necessary to regularly maintain product prices?

A: Products with price information will be given priority in search results and have higher rankings. Therefore, regularly maintaining prices enhances the visibility of products on the platform and improves their ranking in search results.

We recommend setting a consistent price validity period for all products, such as three months. After uploading the products, you can update the prices when there are changes or when the validity period expires. To update prices, follow these steps:

Go to "My Online store" - "Product Management" - "Product List" - "In Display". Select the product(s) for which you want to edit the prices, tick the corresponding price(s), and click "Edit" on the right side.


In the editing section, find the "Price Information" and update the product price. Scroll down and click "Save". You will receive a prompt saying "Product published successfully".


If you have multiple products with price changes within the same range and interval, you can use the "Batch Price Modification" feature.

*Performing "Batch Price Modification" does not require re-approval of the product.

Go to "My Online store" - "Product Management" - "Product List" - "In Display". Select all the products you want to modify the prices for and click "Batch Price Modification".


After modifying the prices, click "Confirm".


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